Noted :: Tools of the Trade {Allyson’s Edition}

If you look around our office, you can tell where the creatives sit. On the other hand- you’d be able to spot my desk out from the crowd just as easily. I’m the type of person that can’t leave for the day without my papers and files being stored and stapled, and my list of to-do’s ready for action right next to my mouse. I admit it – I have clean desk OCD.

Yesterday, Amy shared with you a few of her must-haves for getting her work done and today, I’ve done the same. To my fellow organizational lovers’, these are for you:


iCal :: I check it every morning {even though I have most of the schedule memorized}. We have a shared calendar in the office that syncs all of our schedules and are viewable to everyone in the office. This helps with managing everyone’s time and keeping us all on track.


Facebook “Pages” Manager :: I manage a lot of different Facebook pages and this app was a happy edition to my iPhone. It allows you to easily manage all of the pages your an admin on. Even if it’s not open, updates for any one of your pages will pop up like a text message on your screen, allowing you instant updates while you’re on the go. If you manage social media accounts this app is a must have.


Three Tiered Inbox :: In, Out, To-Do’s – simple as that. This is the only place that I allow my papers to be “un-filed” since they are still organized accordingly. If you just have a plain old inbox – I suggest an upgrade.

Source: via LabelValue on Pinterest


Dymo Labelwriter – Twin Turbo Dual Roll Label and Postage Printer :: Need I say more? It makes labels which I can use for filing or mailing. The other side prints out stamps – that you can purchase directly with your credit card – and prints out easily. It also comes witha small postage scale so you can use it for any packages under 13 oz. Avoiding extra trips to the post office is worth the cost of this machine!

Source: via Donna on Pinterest


“Pin It” Button :: Amy had Pinterest as one of her must-haves – and I have to agree. I love searching Pinterest for different ideas and inspirations. My favorite item about Pinterest is the “Pin It” button. You can easily add this to your bookmarks and when you’re browsing the web and see an image you like, push the “Pin It” button and it will Pin the image to your Pinterest page.

Source: via PCMag on Pinterest

Google Chrome :: Sounds like a given however, I love the features, simplicity and usability of this browser. You can personalize it and add apps that help you stay organized. A side note: if you’re a Gmail user – I was recently turned onto “Sparrow” which is an iPhone app that will help organize your overwhelming number of emails/email accounts.


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