Noted :: Tools of the Trade {Tracy’s Edition}

Doing business from the road can be difficult but now there are several iPhone apps out there that can help relieve stress and allow you to stay in control and on top of your business 24 hours a day 7 days a week:


Instapaper ::
I am sure you have all come across articles or ads that catch your eye every day but you just don’t have time to read them at that exact moment.  Instapaper is a simple tool that allows you to read web pages at your leisure at a later date.  The app creates a personalized Instapaper that allows you to hit the “read later” button.  The best part is – all of the articles are stored offline so even when you may not have access to the Internet you can still read the saved articles.  One thing to note – Instapaper isn’t optimized for keeping track of thousands of pages (collecting, categorizing, filtering) – for that you would try an app like Evernote.

Evernote ::
Even if you have a memory like an elephant (like their logo suggests), this app allows users to create geo-tagged voice, photo and text notes.  These notes can be seen on any computer or device that you use and shared with your colleagues.  The company has also developed additional apps that make it easy to remember things big and small from your everyday life using your computer, phone, tablet and the web.

MindNode ::
Along the line of Evernote is another useful app – MindNode.  This is the perfect brainstorming tool that allows users to combine simplicity, screen design, gestures and sharing in one app. Known to be the most productive way to sketch an idea or business plan and communicate with your staff and/or clients.  The infinitely expanding canvas means that no matter how big or complicated your thoughts get, MindNode can keep up.   It can even automatically rearrange especially complicated mind maps to make them easier to read.  The possibilities are endless!

BizExpense ::
Who likes or has time to do an expense report?  The general consensus is no one! While the BizExpense app won’t make them go away, it will help keep track of expenses and scan receipts on the spot. Once scanned, you can also export the results to an Excel file, sync-and-go.  At the end of a grueling business trip, rather than spend the afternoon remembering business lunches and miscellaneous expenses, this app will make it seamless to prepare and submit your expense reports in a timely and efficient manner.  Additional apps are also available for home budgets, currency translation and much more.

The list of apps is endless and ever changing but using any of the above will certainly enhance your business travel experience.  Happy Downloading!

~ Tracy

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