Here’s A Thought :: Happy Birthday Sweet Adaline!

This was yesterday ….

… and blink.

Everyone tries to tell you when you have children to treasure every moment because it goes by so fast. I’m always trying to hold onto each passing day and savor the little moments; the belly laughs, the tenderness and teaching times, all these beautiful strung-together snapshots held tightly in my mind that I try to capture like fireflies in a jar before they are forgotten.

But when I stand back – as I am today – it did happen in the quickest blink of an eye.

Six years, and she has grown into a confident, fearless, funny, compassionate, intelligent beautiful little girl.

Six years means that she is no longer a baby, but not quite grown up – but rather that wonderful, fleeting in-between state of childhood where she is still filled with wonder but fearless enough to dive right in.

Six quick years filled with so many memories but with the promise of many more still yet to share.

Yes, Addie, I wish you could just ‘stay six now and for ever and ever’.

When I was One,
I had just begun.
When I was Two,
I was nearly new.
When I was Three
I was hardly me.
When I was Four,
I was not much more.
When I was Five,
I was just alive.
But now I am Six,
I’m as clever as clever,
So I think I’ll be six now for ever and ever.
The End

~Amy {Mama}

{Poem: “Now We Are Six”, 1927, A.A. Milne}

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