Noted :: Happy Birthday, Tracy!

Today is a very special day. It is Tracy’s birthday.


The funny story about Tracy and I is this. Tracy was recommeded to me by a mutual friend of ours (Hi Erin!). Our friend Erin thought that I could use someone with Tracy’s level of experience and expertise here at Elements. Now, I wasn’t actually looking for someone at the time, but as friends do, I listened to Erin and agreed to the meeting.

When Tracy showed up here, we kept looking at each other and remarking how familiar each other looked to us. Finally, we placed it. I won’t tell you the year (ahem.), but Tracy and I went to Branford High School together. Only, she was a popular cheerleader and I was on the field hockey team. And everyone knows that the cheerleaders and the field hockey players notoriously don’t ‘hang out’ together. So although our paths did not cross in high school, I’m sure that we would have been great friends had they crossed.

Tracy is awesome. She is someone I feel lucky to have working beside me at Elements. She is an expert in marketing and account managing, but she is much, much more than that. She is a great friend in the office. She is always willing to pitch-in and do any job that is needed without compliant and without fail. She is funny and smart and kind and easy-going and focused.

And while she would make a really horrible woodland creature {inside joke}, she makes the very best comrade-in-arms anyone could have the pleasure of working with.

Thank you, Tracy. And a very, very Happy Birthday!

Next Venti Chai run is on me!


{image of tracy by anna sawin}

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