Noted :: I Couldn’t Have Said It Better Myself …

Today, I am sharing a post with you regarding the recently redesigned Yahoo! logo. Have you seen it?


Pretty unremarkable, right? Not quite worth all the hype and build-up in my humble opinion.

But as boring as this redesigned logo is the story behind-the-scenes of how it was designed is SHOCKING. No, really, shocking.

For anyone considering a new or refreshed branding project, this blog post is for you. Here is some truly brilliant insight as to why getting your branding  professionally, strategically and carefully designed is so critical to your success. From a 10-billion dollar business to the grocer down the street, branding matters. And this post does a fantastic job of explaining why – better than I ever could.

Click here to read the full post called “Logo, Bullshit and Co., Inc.” by Oliver Reichenstein of iA agency.

And here is one more review from a website called “Brand New” which is written by and for graphic designers who, like Elements, work on branding projects. Armin is my favorite designers who critiques brands as they are designed and always ‘tells it like it is’. He doesn’t take into consideration all the back story as Reichenstein did, but he does give you the designers’ perspective on the much hyped-redesign.

What do you think of the new Yahoo! logo? Love it? Hate it? Don’t care? Let’s discuss!



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