Throw Back Thursday :: #TBT Summer Marketing

Barefoot 04

This #TBT post I wrote in the summer of 2013:

While most companies take it easy on their marketing efforts over the summer and many of us are in vacation-mode, here at Elements, we tend to use this time to get some of our own larger communication projects ramped up.

And although it may be difficult for some organizations to get projects completed during the summer months because of time-off, here are a few reasons to consider giving it a try:

  1. Availability: Many of your trusted vendors {Elements included!} are much more available in the summer slowdown than the rest of the year. It’s a great time to get some projects off your list before the rush in the fall when everyone else is calling. Take advantage of our ability to quickly turnaround your requests and be more flexible with scheduling.
  2. Review: Hard to believe, but by next month, half our year will already be behind us. It’s an excellent time to sit down and assess your marketing efforts for the year while it’s a little quieter. By the way, we’re available for a free marketing assessment consultation with you to review your marketing objectives, make any suggestions and help answer any questions to keep you on target for reaching your goals this year.
  3. Photography: One of those oft neglected tasks is updating Elements’ photography – both of our projects completed and our professional headshots. The summer is an ideal time to do both. First, as stated above, the photographer is more likely available. Second, why not take advantage of the slowdown to organize a photo shoot? And third, why not get your head shot retaken when you have a natural, healthy glow or images of your company when everything is in bloom, green and sunny?
  4. Stand Out: If you were to send out marketing communication during the summer, chances are, you’d stand apart from the crowd. Take advantage of the fact that your competition is at the beach and consider a summer marketing effort.
  5. Get Ahead: Even if a full-fledged marketing effort in the summer doesn’t make sense for your particular business, you could still work on getting a leg up by stockpiling other efforts – such as getting some blog posts written and put in the queue, get your corporate e-newsletter started, comb through and update your website content, and so forth. You will be that much further ahead heading into the busy fall.
  6. Catch-Up: When the phones aren’t ringing as frequently and you find you are actually able to focus, take this opportunity to catch-up and get ahead with work. This is the time of the year I actually see that there is, in fact, a bottom to my “IN” box.
  7. Back to School: Since your clients are taking time off, you should as well. But why take more than just a vacation (although that’s a must). Instead, why not take time to enroll in a class? It could be something useful – such as brushing up your skills in a particular area. Or perhaps a course that will advance your skills in a new, related area – for example, I’m attending the Yale/AIGA intensive course “Business Perspectives for Creative Leaders” this July. Maybe it is something simply for fun that allows you to get creative or innovative – such as a pottery class or tennis lessons. You never know – it may just lead to something much, much bigger.


So while I look forward to getting away for a couple days with my family for some much needed R&R, I’m equally excited at the prospect of making an impact in our company’s marketing, getting a head start AND learning something new.

So, sharpen that bouquet of pencils.Here’s to a productive, enlightening AND relaxing summer ahead!


image: {pencils}

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