21 Inspirational Ideas for Creating Fresh Content

One of the questions I’m asked all too often is: “Amy, what should we be posting about? And, how do we find content?”

I’ll admit, continuously coming up with new, engaging content can be challenging. But, with a little creative thinking, you have more content available than you might think!

Below are 21 ideas to help inspire you to look around you, use what you have on hand or to create something completely fresh for your blog, videos, white papers, social media, articles—or any other efforts that require generating content to promote your company, product or service. This assumes you have a marketing plan and the content you are seeking to promote has a strategy behind the subject of your content creation (and if not, you may wish to pause here and really think about your strategy first)!

Can you add to my list? Leave a comment below to share how you keep your content exciting and new!

Here are my 21 ideas for creating fresh content:

  1. Take a photo—around your office, of someone who inspires you, your favorite place to brainstorm, an event—and create content around the image. Why is it inspirational to you? Or, what did you learn from this person/event/previous job, etc. Maybe you pair the image with an appropriate quote as it relates to your business or work philosophy. Let the image inspire your words.
  2. Ask someone to guest blog or post for you who has a lot of knowledge in your area of expertise.
  3. Have someone do an Instagram Takeover. For example, if someone takes over posting for you for a week, it’s called an “Instagram Takeover”. It’s a great way to cross promote brands and partner with influencers.
  4. Take a poll; share and comment upon the results.
  5. Interview someone influential in your industry; email them a set of questions and share their answers.
  6. Compile a list—it could be a “top 10” list or just a list of something industry-related. Examples could be a curated list of recent industry-related articles, a list of your preferred news sites, your company’s top favorite projects of 2018, and so forth.
  7. Hold a company-wide brainstorming session to generate a list of content ideas.
  8. Share a project case study.
  9. Write a review or case study of a product or vendor you work with regularly.
  10. Share the story of how the company got started, or how you started in the industry. Just be careful to avoid sounding as though you’re bragging.
  11. Write a review for a recent industry-related book or article you found interesting or important; share your opinion.
  12.  Check Google’s top trends to see what’s hot right now and write about it.
  13. Go outside. Talk a walk. Eat somewhere new. Visit a new store. Go to a networking event. Change your scenery to spark new ideas.
  14. Tell a personal story about how you learned something; a personal story is a great way to connect with your audience.
  15. Recycle previous content and turn it into something new—a previous blog post could turn into a white paper; a video could turn into an idea for an article.
  16. Take a business philosophy that is a core belief to you. Explain why and what it means to you and how it has influenced your career.
  17. Take a process and write a step-by-step tutorial to share your knowledge or set you apart from your competitor’s process.
  18. Using this post as my example, address a frequently asked question.
  19. Share a customer experience story—maybe how you solved their problem; add a client testimonial and an image.
  20. Make a video with your phone of something interesting going on in your office (someone’s birthday, a finished project reveal, asking and answering a question, etc.)
  21. Create an infographic to share industry information in a fresh way!

I hope this list inspires you. Let me know if you try any of the above (we’d love to share!) or add in comments your own inspirational ideas.

Happy creating!


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