What’s Next? Where Do Our Businesses Go From Here?

In order for companies to succeed post-COVID-19, they need to re-imagine the way they do business. Brands that use their imagination and innovation to brave this new world will come out ahead; be flexible, open to change and seize opportunities as they present themselves. With change comes challenges—but, when standing at the juncture of change and challenges, you have a unique moment for profound growth.

Demand drives innovation, and innovation drives demand. Given the uncertainly of these times, customers will turn to (and become loyal to) the people, organizations and brands that they trust and have adapted to meet their needs. Brands all have to lead, improvise, solve and operate in new ways—let that be you!

How to Capture New Audiences and Strengthen Customer Relationships

Social Media
One way to start is with shared user content. Given the recent enormous shift to virtual connectivity, online engagement is now essential to a business’ success. Start generating content on a consistent basis that is honest, engaging and deepens long-term customer relationships. Elements can help you with this—we start with a social media strategic plan to outline your key messages and types of posts to reach your audience.

Customer Service
Be 100% customer-focused. Ask yourself what your clients need right now (that you can provide), then figure out how to best deliver that service or product to them. Review your customer journey and think about each step along the way. How can you make it easier for your customer to purchase from you? What questions or concerns might they have that you can answer? This is where your experience, innovation and creative thinking come into play. Find new ways to serve and deliver. If you can’t serve or deliver right now, be helpful by sharing knowledge, donating, or leading a cause. Understand your customers’ context; know their challenges and connect with them.

Attend them. Host them. Become a presenter. Keep listening, participating and learning. Staying involved will not only help you stay in front of prospects and contacts, but it will show expertise and thought-leadership while you continue to expand your knowledge. Ask to present on timely, relevant topics or host your own, and upload your video to your YouTube channel. Don’t forget to promote it on social media!

Website Updates
This is the perfect time to review your website for updates or a refresh. Is there new work you can add? Have you updated your office hours or changed your address? Can you update your service pages or write a blog post? This is also an opportune time to improve your search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is an on-going task that greatly helps your website to be found in search queries. However, SEO is often neglected or no one is quite sure what (or how) to do it. We’re happy to help point you in the right direction.

During uncertain times, businesses look to cut costs. Take caution that you think carefully about cutting too much of your marketing budget since marketing is what keeps your sales pipeline filled and lets your customers know that you’re still operating.

If you are waiting for your state to re-open, don’t wait too long. You should have a marketing plan already in place building up to when you open your doors again. Start by creating a 1-month plan (no more, since the world is changing weekly) and stay flexible to respond to trends in customer behaviors, government leadership and current events. Create a spreadsheet with your marketing initiatives, who each activity is designed for (prospects, customers, past customers) and rank them from most valuable to least valuable for their ability to bring in business right now.

Some marketing initiatives that we recommend considering right now—in addition to the items detailed above—are digital advertisements, email programs, e-newsletters, writing articles or thought pieces and virtual networking (such as virtual happy hours) and just being wherever your prospects are joining in.

Elements is here to help your business successfully navigate this unprecedented time, and wherever the road takes you next. Let us know how we can help.

— Amy

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