Refocus, Then Restart

Here we are in early September, and I’m already starting to feel the change in temperature and notice the sun setting a little earlier each night. But please, don’t pick-up that pumpkin spice latte just yet! Summer isn’t officially over until September 21; though with kids back in school and Labor Day behind us, fall is coming up in the rear view fast!

One nice perk to the start of school: with the kids gone most of the day (what’s that I hear? Is that … silence?) it’s time refocus, restart routines and put more energy towards getting projects done — thank goodness!

In regards to your marketing efforts, here are a few ideas to think about as we head towards the end of the year:

  1. Core web vitals: In May of this year, Google implemented a new update called “core web vitals”, which focuses on a visitor’s experience with your website pages, called page experience. This update will rate things like how long your page takes to load, inactivity and content stability (for example: when a page is loading and you accidentally click a button because it shifts locations as it loads — so annoying, right?). Basically, anything that can negatively reflect on the users’ experience with the technical aspects of your page. We can help by reviewing your entire site and making a list of all the core web vitals that should be addressed — and then correct them.
  2. Re-purpose content: Start by reevaluating all your current content, check your analytics to discover which content was most viewed, update it, and then find new and fun ways to use it. For example: Have you written a post or e-newsletter article that generated a lot of attention? Consider turning that topic into a video. You can also parse that topic into social media posts and more! Get creative — or ask us for help; we love collaborating to find new and strategic ways to get your messages out. Added tip: Google favors fresh content and updates to your best-preforming posts.
  3. Tackling website updates: There are always opportunities to improve your online presence, and if your website isn’t in top form, you’re missing out on leads and customers. Do your own ‘web audit’ by going page by page through your site and creating a list of “must’s” and “like to’s”. Some must’s might include updating your site with new work or products, correcting any missing or incorrect information, new photography or head shots where needed, fixing broken page links, adding client case studies or testimonials, updating for core web vitals (as described above) and for SEO so your site can rank and be found, and much more. If your list is too long, it may be time for a website redesign!
  4. Amp-up social media efforts: If you don’t have a social media strategic plan, write one. So many people get into social media because they know they have to, but they do it without a strategy — which can be a waste of valuable time. To be effective, you need a plan to align with your brand, core values, mission, messages and marketing goals. This will determine many things, such as: what content to post, how often you should post that type of content, how often you should be posting in general, what days and times are best, what metrics you will pay attention to, your budget, and so forth. If you need help, we are pros at creating and implementing social media plans for our clients. We’d love to help!
  5. Go rouge: There is the old expression (one of my favorites) that “nothing changes if nothing changes” … so why not try something completely unique that you haven’t done before or were afraid to try? Perhaps it’s making a corporate video or sending out a mailer, starting an e-newsletter or sponsoring an industry event … you never know what opportunities can arise just by trying something completely unexpected, or learning something new. Get creative and go for it!

These marketing initiatives are right in Elements’ wheelhouse — so if you need some direction, professional advice or a partner to get it done, we’re here for you! Get in touch at or 203-776-1323.

– Amy

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